New data centre design and build by INFINITI’s team of experts for Torridge District Council.
Torridge District Council is a rural council in the north west of Devon. The coastline, historic towns, nature reserves and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty are valuable assets; as quality of life and environment becomes an ever more important factor in choosing where to live it is likely that population growth in Torridge will continue, with many functions supported by the district council.
Devon, UK
Local Council
In January 2015 a transformation programme was proposed and approved by Torridge District Council’s councillors. With a growing population, the council wanted to be able to offer smoother processes and improved customer service for a greater number of residents – all from one single location. The existing council buildings were spread over four sites, so bringing all staff and services together into one building was deemed to be a priority.
INFINITI’s Managing Director Peter Sands managed the project and further to approval of a pre-construction document by the council, work began in August 2015. This included: Preparation In the Riverbank office building the INFINITI team stripped the proposed data centre room of all existing cabling and phone lines. They then removed any windows and replastered the walls to make the room more secure and unobtrusive. The floor was also improved with anti-static flooring and a new sturdy door was installed. Ordering and receiving deliveries INFINITI began to order all the necessary parts to make the project a success, including the UPS and computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units. The council made it clear that deliveries were to happen at certain times on specific dates, and Peter made sure this was the case.
In September 2015, work on the new
modernised data centre began. “It all went to
plan,” says Roger. “INFINITI worked around our
constraints as a council, met our deadlines,
and worked out of hours when we needed
them to, in order to avoid disturbing staff
or meetings when drilling. Everything was
completed by October 1st and handed over
to us. It was a very intense period of time but
they achieved the work as promised and we
are very pleased.”
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As a data centre provider offering both consultancy and building services, Infiniti can help offer
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